
SMUT (#2 of 3) - A NSFW Slice-of-Life Comedy

Created by Wells Thompson

A perfectionist domme lets her girlfriend take the reins for a night, how hard can that be? A 20 page comic about trust and sex!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Sent! Check your Email!
8 days ago – Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 02:04:56 PM

Hello Everyone!

We just sent out surveys for everyone to fill out! Please go ahead and fill them out as soon as you get the chance--they should be in the inbox you used to make your Kickstarter account now. If you're having trouble finding it, be sure to check your Promotions and Spam folders to make sure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

It's really important that these get filled out sooner rather than later so we can know how much we need to make of everything. If you can't find the survey, please feel free to contact me, I'll be able to help!

Thank you all so much,


Surveys Coming Soon!
14 days ago – Sat, Jan 04, 2025 at 11:41:43 AM

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year! Bianca and I took about a week off for the holidays and we're feeling super rested and ready to get back to work.

BackerKit has approved everything for the surveys, so we'll be sending out a smoke test (5% of backers) today or tomorrow and, once we're sure everything is working as intended, the surveys will be in everyone's email sometime next week.

Bianca, meanwhile, has about half the book penciled and is looking to pick up the pace and start inks soon. I'd show you some pages, but that would reeeeeeeally be pushing what Kickstarter allows me to post. Use your imagination, I promise it's good.

I'll send another update when surveys go out so they don't get lost in your SPAM folders! Until then, stay warm!

Wells Thompson

Digital fulfilment Part I!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 02:18:13 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

We did it! What happens next?
about 1 month ago – Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 09:29:51 AM

Hello Everyone!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us make this campaign our most successful single issue comic to date! We were forced to go further in the year than we normally would to make it happen and we were worried that there would be issues being this close to the holidays, but those fears turned out to be unfounded. Turns out, a lot of you REALLY like Smut! Glad we could provide :)

I'll be sending out the PDF of issue 1 to all who need it sometime next week along with some other digital assets through Kickstarter messages, so keep an eye out for that.

Surveys are going to come through BackerKit (don't worry, I won't be charging any extra for shipping), but I don't intend to send them out until at least the first week in January. Everyone should get to enjoy the end of the year without worrying about extra homework!

In the meantime, Kickstarter will be attempting to charge everyone for the pledge--most of you will already have gotten an email saying it went through with no problem, but that won't be the case for everyone. We'll reach out to you if there's an issue, but please do what you can to solve any issues with your payment method ASAP!

Bianca has already started thumbnails for issue 2 and, given that we have fewer pages to produce, we shouldn't have an issue getting it out on time--of course, if that changes, I'll let you know immediately.

We're eyeing April or May for issue 3, hope we see you all there as well!

Aaaaand I think that does it for now. Again, thank you all so much for your support and enthusiasm, it really means the world to me and the Smut team!

Wells Thompson

$13k Stretch Goal Reached! New Cover Available!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 08:50:21 AM

Hello Smut Fans!

Last day of the campaign and we're still knocking out stretch goals! We just cleared $13,000, which unlocks a new cover based on one of the stretch goal prints voted on by you guys!

The results of that poll were conclusive and Jenn St-Onge's "Session in Progress" is going to be the first selected cover (though it's still neck and neck for the other two, so be sure to get your vote in just in case we hit $17k!). You can pick it up as an add-on right now!

On a similar note, Jenn has been working on the poster and we're close to being finished. Color is still subject to change, but here's an updated look now that it's fully inked and flatted:

We're close to making this campaign our biggest single issue ever, let's set the bar high, yeah?

See you at the finish.

Wells Thompson